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We’re passionate about delivering outstanding value to discerning clients.

Cathrine Moore

Audrey Guth is the Founder and President of the Immigration , which includes Immigration Global,  Immigration and Personnel. As the labour market tightened Audrey recognized the need for an ethical solution to Canada’s labour shortage and hence created her company to address this severe need more than 60 years ago. Immigration Global provides worker recruitment for hospitality, food services, retail, manufacturing, skilled labour, mining, oil and gas, construction and more. Immigration employs full time licensed immigration consultants (ICCRC) to provide professional consultation and representation services forIMMIGRANTS TO CANADA. Personnel places carefully screened nannies and caregivers for Canada’s most discerning families.

Audrey is an industry leader, having set the benchmark for careful screening of applicants, customer service and integrity. She has a Master’s Degree in Medical Science from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia and a B.Sc. in Dietetics and Nutrition. Her newest venture is the Nanny Angel Network, a registered charity that provides free, professional relief childcare to mothers undergoing treatment for cancer. Audrey has been nominated as a 2014 CNN Hero for her tireless dedication to the Nanny Angel Network.

Benjamin Guth

A graduate of Dalhousie University’s business program with a Bachelor’s Degree in COMMERCE with a Major in Marketing and Management, Benjamin Guth is also a member of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC). As Vice President of Immigration, Benjamin is responsible for driving all aspects of the company’s sales and marketing activities. Benjamin has been with Immigration for over five years and has previously led the operations and recruitment teams. His past experience in internet marketing and retail operations gives him a strong skill set to now lead the sales and marketing team at Immigration. Working closely with a wide breadth of Canadian businesses and within key industry sectors, Benjamin spends his days helping organisations develop their labour strategies and sourcing top tier talent from the global marketplace.

Evangeline Ancheta

Our highly skilled Immigration Consultant, Evangeline Ancheta, is a member in good standing of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) and the Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants (CAPIC). In the Philippines, Evangeline achieved a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Bachelor of Law. She practiced law in the Philippines as a barrister and solicitor for more than seven years. Evangeline then moved to Ontario where she earned her Paralegal diploma with Honours. She has been a practicing immigration consultant since May 2004.

Diane Katz

Diane Katz is the Immigration Coordinator with Diamond and she assesses applicants’ qualifications to determine if they meet the criteria for the various immigration categories.  She also assists clients with successfully completing immigration applications, making sure that all required documents are submitted to ensure a positive result.  Diane has worked in the immigration sector for over 24 years, having extensive experience working in both legal practices and immigration consulting firms.  She finds working with immigration candidates very rewarding because it’s her opportunity to connect with a broad spectrum of people and help each of them change their lives. Outside her time in assisting international candidates with entry into Canada to build new lives, Diane plays bass guitar, enjoys swimming and is a photography hobbyist.

Edel Fernandes

Edel Fernandes is the Senior Logistics Specialist with Immigration. Her wealth of administrative and HR experience across various industries including travel and tourism, retail, logistics and IT during her tenure in Muscat, Oman is a perfect fit for Immigration. Edel’s consummate organizational skills and professional work ethic make her an invaluable member of the team.

Amy Phillips

Amy Phillips is the Business Development Associate at Immigration, strategically helping to grow the Canadian business client base. She brings with her years of experience from the legal, political and telecommunication sectors. Her strengths lie in recognizing and supporting processes and structures to create greater efficiency within an organization. This, along with her attention to detail and love of organization, creates a platform for Diamond’s success. Amy enjoys traveling and cooking.

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