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Apply for Canadian Citizenship – Minors (CIT 0003e)


Form CIT 0003 is used by Canadian citizen parents or permanent resident parents who will become citizens at the same time as their children to get citizenship for their children.


What is Form CIT 0003?


Form CIT 0003, Application for CANADIAN CITIZENSHIP - Minors (under 18 years of age), is used by parents to apply for citizenship for their children.

Children over the age of 18 are expected to apply for their own citizenship.

This application can be filed for natural children or adoptive children of Canadian citizens or permanent residents who will become citizens at the same time as their children.


Who can use Form CIT 0003?


Parents can file Form CIT 0003 on behalf of their children if they and their child can meet the following eligibility requirements:


  • The child must be under 18 years old

  • The child must be a permanent resident of Canada (an exception here applies to adopted children, who may be able to simply apply for citizenship without permanent residency in some circumstances)

  • At least one parent of the child will need to be a citizen or will become a citizen at the same time as the child

  • The child cannot be prohibited from becoming a citizen under the Citizenship ActThe child cannot be subject to a removal or deportation order.


What are the requirements for Form CIT 0003?

In addition to the eligibility requirements, parents will have to provide evidentiary documents for the application to be successful. The following documents will be required during the process:


  • The child's immigration records

  • The Biographical page of the child's passport

  • Two pieces of personal identification of the child (hospital records, school records et cetera)

  • Birth certificate

  • Adoption order (if applicable)

  • Proof of the parent'sCANADIAN CITIZENSHIP

  • Proof of guardianship (if applicable)

  • Payment receipt of CIT 0003 fees

  • Document translations if the document is not in either English or French


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