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Application to Remain in Canada as a Temporary Resident   Permit Holder


Form IMM 5708 can be used to extend a person's temporary stay in Canada.


What is Form IMM 5708?


Form IMM 5708, Application to Change Conditions, Extend my Stay or Remain in Canada as a Visitor or Temporary Resident Permit Holder, is the form used by temporary residents to modify some conditions of their residency in Canada.

This form can be used to extend your temporary resident permit as many times as you like, provided you can show that your stay remains temporary.

This form does not affect one's status as a student or as a temporary worker in Canada. To extend student or work permits, applicants should use a different application.

Who should use Form IMM 5708?


Before filing an extension to your temporary resident permit, you should make sure that you are:


  • Filing at least thirty days before the expiration of your permit

  • Not still in Canada past the date of your permit's expiry

  • Currently in Canada


While you can sometimes continue to stay in Canada past the date of your permit's expiry, the process for doing that is reinstatement and not extension.


What are the filing requirements for Form IMM 5708?


Filing requirements for extending your temporary resident permit are relatively simple:


       You need to be currently in Canada

  • You need to hold a current passport that will stay valid for the duration of your stay

  • You will need to pay the associated fee for Form IMM 5708

  • You will need to ensure that any other permits that you hold (Study or work) will stay valid and not interfere with your visitor permit.


After completing Form IMM 5708, the signed document, supporting documents, and payment receipt should be sent to the Vegreville office where it will be processed.


Forms you may also have to file


IMM 5409 - Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union

IMM 5476 - Use of a Representative

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